July Favourites 2016

I am back with a favourites!! All together now.... HURAHHH! Ok so it is probably just me who is excited about this but nonetheless I feel like I might finally be back on track. July has been a pretty stressful month, which I may go into at a later date but I am really just trying to justify my lack of posts to you guys. Just know I am trying my hardest but at the same time I want to get the best content on here possible so I won't be posting for the sake of posting. Anyway back to the favourites, I'm sorry can we believe it is August!! Where has this year gone? Summer is almost though, but I love autumn and winter; call me mad I know! As I said I haven't been on top form this month so my makeup routine has been pretty standard and just the rotation of the same products I trust and love, but I have been trying a lot of new skincare so stay tuned for that. On the skincare note, I am doing a whole post on my favourites and how to 'get into it', which will be up next week.

Ojon Thickening Spray- Ojon is a new brand to me when it comes to haircare but I have fallen in love with this thickening spray. I apply it through out my roots when my hair is damp and it adds the perfect amount of volume without feeling heavy, crispy, or greasy. I love that the spray is a liquid as I find thickening mouses to be just to sticky and it leaves you hair feeling clean but with added fluffiness, in a good way. I believe that it also acts as a heat protectant, so perfect if you are a blow dry junkie like me.

Monu Hydrating Moisturiser SPF15- I had also never heard of Monu Skin until this month. I discovered them at the Beauty Expert launch I attended a few weeks ago (which you can read all about HERE, if you so wish) we had a great talk from the brand as their wonderful cleanser is in the new exciting Beauty Expert box, but read more about that over on my post. We had their two lovely representatives sit on our table for lunch and it was so lovely speaking to them both. They were kind enough to gift us a few of their products and I have just fallen in love with the Hydrating Moisturiser. It has just enough hydration for daytime without feeling heavy or greasy and I love that it comes in a pump, vs sticking you fingers in a pot. I only wish the SPF was a little higher but it will do for cloudy days; aka everyday in the UK.

Tom Ford Extreme Waterproof Mascara- This baby rocks! So much so that when I last wore this out with Hannah she asked me if I was wearing falsies, no just this cry worthy expensive but amazing mascara! It is black as black can be which I love and it gives you the most perfect fanned out, thick, long, and voluminous lashes. It is extremely waterproof which will be a plus if your mascara smudges easily but for me that's not an issue. So for ease of removal I would be interested to try it in a non-waterproof formula.

Chanel Rouge Coco in Adrienne- This browny nude is so lovely and so easy to wear. It has been my go to lipstick most days and just matches any makeup look seamlessly. The formula is lovely and creamy but also lasts for a fair amount of time on the lips which is a real bonus. Of course that luxe packaging is a real bonus too, there is nothing quite as fancy as pulling it out of your bag.

Pai Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil- Again I discovered this in the new Beauty Expert rose edition box/bag and I have fallen in love. Granted it doesn't smell the best but it does wonders for my skin. I feel like I have already mentioned this in a post recently but I will give you a few deets again. Basically it contains the oil from the rosehip fruit as well as the seed to make it extra powerful. I have always been a fan of rosehip oils and this is certainly my new favourite.

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curlers- Now that I come to write this I am pretty sure these may have been in last month favourites, but oh well I love them that much. I got of to a rocky start with these and wasn't sure I loved them. I have since got to grips with them and love how 'curly' and upright they make my lashes.

L'Oreal Visible Lift Blur Concealer- Ok so I need to apologise for this one, I think it may not be sold any more. Which if that is the case then I am so so so so sad. I picked this up last summer and fell in love with it. As so much makeup makes its way though my collection sometimes items get pushed to the back and this was one of them. Recently I got it back out and fell in love all over again. The texture is light, so perfect for summer and the consistency is so thin that it can almost be used like a foundation on no makeup days. If indeed you can't get a hold of this then the Claris instant light concealer is rather similar, just pricier. Or maybe I am wrong it was just always a US thing?

Let me know in the comments what you have been loving in July and what your plans are for August! Any exciting holidays? Love...


  1. Your pictures are beautiful! Everything looks so lovely and the Chanel Rouge Coco is gorgeous! It looks a perfect nude :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. Thank you so much, yes it is the perfect nude xo
