Foreo Luna Mini

I have said it before and I will say it again investing in your skin is the best thing you can do when it comes to investing in beauty. Luxurious makeup is all well and good but you can achieve beautiful skin from just taking care of it and I think there is nothing better. I love cleansing devices and was a big fan of the Clarisonic for many years, but since January or so I haven't really been using it due to a few of it's flaws. First of all the financial up keep of it was getting on my nerves, and it was the straw that broke the camels back when they put the brush head prices up yet again. I love that you can pick different brush heads but forking out $30+ every three months is a pain in the bum! Another thing that always creeps me out a bit is how much bacteria those brush heads hold, don't get me wrong I never broke out from it or anything but the thought of it just gives me the heebie jeebies. One last thing that was slightly irritating was the mess it always made, now this is a little petty but I swear every time I used it over the sink I just got water and cleanser everywhere! This meant I reserved it for just in the shower and then eventually I just stopped using it all together. I didn't really notice a difference in my skin for a few weeks after but slowly it started to feel bumpy and uneven in texture. I decided it was time to look in to other cleansing device options as I felt my skin really benefited from the added cleansing benefits. I did some research and the FOREO LUNA and LUNA MINI seemed to be a device that I couldn't find a bad review on. The FOREO Luna Mini is a palm-sized device that delivers deep yet gentle cleansing with innovative T-Sonic technology. The silicone is not only extra-gentle but it is also extremely hygienic which means no pesky replacement brush heads. The silicone is completely nonporous and resists bacteria build up making it 35x more hygienic than any other facial cleansing device. The LUNA MINI comes with three different zones suited to every different skin type, thinner touch points are perfect for dry skin, while the broader touch points on the back of the device are suited for more oily skin or oilier zones like around the nose and chin. The LUNA or Luna mini is a skincare investment but one that you make once and it serves your for a long long time, 10 years in fact, as that's how long your guarantee is. In terms of use and results it compares to the Clarisonic favorably. It is 100x easier to use, they both run for the same amount of time (1 minuet) but the Luna Mini just glides over the face much easier and doesn't splatter cleanser everywhere. I would say the Clarisonic provides more exfoliation so I now find my self using more exfoliating masks or treatments, but I really don't mind that. In terms of cleansing the LUNA does a really great job at keeping the skin clear and fully cleansed, getting all the gunk out of your pores without tugging at your face. I have noticed my skin has been glowing more since using it and it now seems to absorb my serums ect. a lot better. Another great point to the Luna Mini is its size. It really is the size of your  hand and it holds charge for up to 300 uses making it the perfect device for traveling. If you're looking to invest in your skin do it now with the Luna Mini, your skin will thank you in the the long run. Make sure you use the code PEONIE for 10% off The LUNA MINI at Love...

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