The Best of The Week #1

For a while now I have wanted to start posting a day on the weekend. I am so busy with school that sometimes three posts a week can be a push but I realize the weekend is when most people have their free time so I really want to post. So I have decided to start a 'weekly round up' sort of post. Now just a quick note, these post may not be every Saturday due to my life being pretty boring; I mean come on who wants to read 'This week I learnt about molecular structures and wrote blog posts'? But I will be posting when I have something semi-interesting to write about. These posts are going to be a mix of weekly favorites and snippets of things I have done with my week. So I hope you enjoy and I would appreciate any feedback you have, and with that let's begin.

The Age of Adaline- Me and my sister went and saw this yesterday morning. We went to the morning showing so there were only 3 other people in the cinema, which can I just say it feels pretty cool being in a empty cinema. The trailer of this film got me crying so I just new I needed to see as soon as it was out.
I am a huge romantic film fan but sometimes they can be a little mushy and predictable. What I loved about this is that is romantic but in such a unique and different way. I'm usually not a fan of films that are unrealistic but this a exception. I don't want to spoil the plot but I will give you a run down of what it's about; Adaline was born in the early 20th century, when she was 29 she was in a car crash where her heart stopped. She was hit by lightning which re started her heart, but this did something to her and she never aged a day again. She is now spending her life being a 29 year old forever, dealing with lost love and life. The film takes you through the decades and I think Blake play's the role amazingly, I cant imagine many people could pull off fitting in seamlessly into several different decades and several different looks. Her beauty and acting in the film is breathtaking.

Homeland- Ok this this isn't week but I have been obsessed with Homeland recently. It's basically about the CIA and set here in northern Virginia and DC. I think because I live around here I partly like it because I know where there talking about and where they are in things, but I actually find it really interesting. I can't comment on how close to real life it is as I don't have much knowledge of that but I have never felt it is overly unrealistic. If you're in the UK you can watch on Netflix or here in the US you can buy from Itunes.

Colourpop Super Shock Shadow in Hanky Panky- I am in love with Colourpop Cosmetics right now and I have worn this shadow I think every day this week. It is a great all over the lid shade or as a transitional shade in the crease. I also love the texture of these, they are really different and I find they stay on the lids all day even without primer.

Leven Rose Rosehip Oil- Ahhhh, I'm in love with this stuff. It has literally saved my skin, you can read my full review HERE. With Leven Rose I am giving away a bottle of the marvelous Rosehip oil. Make sure you enter below! Love...
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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