Why Social Media is Changing a Generation

Social Media is the heart of the day and age we live in and quite honestly I don't think I love it. Where are the ol' days of actually speaking to people face to face, and not knowing everything that goes on in everyones lives; you know that clearly overrated thing called privacy? So what, it's a place where we share our 'so called lives' and especially on Instagram I feel it has become oh so fake. I can't help scrolling through my feed feeling like utter crap sometimes, whether I see old friends pages or some amazing bloggers; I just can't help felling down in the dumps about myself. Will I ever live up to having that perfect feed and why is so much pressure put on me as a blogger and influencer to have a 'perfect life' on platforms like Instagram. Does everything have to be so staged, bright, and beautiful? Then I get the times when I see my peers succeeding more than me, or moving into their new beautiful home and all I can think is when will that be me, when will I really achieve something; really just one huge pity party. Don't get me wrong it has some great points, like how I get to talk to all of you; my lovely readers. I am also incredibly lucky that I have never had any real nasty comments on my posts, but people get it and that is my biggest bug bear with social media. Why do people feel the need to be so nasty, yes we all judge people and I am not saying that I don't ever think that 'maybe that lipstick doesn't look the best on you' but I wouldn't ever post a comment saying it or judging anyone in any way at all. We all decide to live our lives they way we want to and people need to respect that and keep their nasty opinions to themselves. So what has made us think that we need to be so 'perfect'? In reality nobody is so, why do we try so hard to be? I put so much pressure on myself to post enough, to make sure photo quality is good enough, to tweet enough, to show more personality, to look a certain way, but I have had enough. I think with the introduction of Instagram Stories we can finally see that everyone is real and those bloggers or YouTubers who have perfect feeds and amazing bodies are just like you and me, they wakeup with no makeup on and in reality spend most of their days at their desk too. When it comes to growing as a blogger social media is one of the biggest parts to achieving it and it is a way that just doesn't work for me. I try and get involved, I really do, from twitter chats to following new people but it just isn't for me. I have made some great friends through blogging and social media but I just can't bring myself to be that social and outgoing, it just isn't me; in reality I am a true introvert. So in conclusion is this craze taking over our lives? Are we always going to be glued to our phones like we are now or will the storm eventually pass over? While it's a great place for us bloggers it's a toxic one too, so why do we continue to share our lives. I think simply because we care about our audience and it is the most convenient and best way to reach them, so I will continue posting what I want to and what I think is beautiful, and I will continue tweeting but I am noting going to change 'me' in order to grow.

What are your feelings on social media; friend or foe? Love...


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