The Limited Edition Orgasm- #WHATMAKESYOUBLUSH

You guys have no idea how much I wanted to title this post 'A Giant Orgasm' but I thought twice and came to the conclusion that may be a little inappropriate. Anyway it's an exciting time because NARS have released a Limited Edition bigger and rather beautiful version on their very popular and if I may say so beauty world renowned, Orgasm Blush!! It shines in all its beauty and I have to say I've become quite obsessed with the shade. I have never actually owned it before now, I know shock horror, but I have to say it's bloomin stunning and is especially fitting for summer. The beautiful peachy shade with golden glimmer was made to suit all skin tones and colours, and that it certainly does. On my fair skin it adds a golden peachy glow which looks stunning, but it looks equally as great when I am tanned, faux of course. The limited edition compact is traditionally NARS but with the little Orgasm twist, the adorable #WHATMAKESYOUBLUSH on the mirror and a beautifully embossed film making it the perfect collectors item. On the other hand if you have never tried Orgasm like me then this is the perfect time, I'm pretty sure you'll fall in love too. So have you tried the biggest Orgasm yet? Love...

*PR Samples, all opinions are my own. Refer to my disclaimer for more information.


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