Beauty Trends Throughout The Ages

For hundreds of years women and men have been beautifying themselves in various ways and year after year, decade after decade trends emerge. Way back when they came about out of necessity but now days we tend to do some pretty odd beauty tricks for the sake of it. I thought it would be really fun if today I shared with you a few of my favourite and quirky trends throughout the ages. I think most of us know that back in the 16th to 18th century they were a huge fan of a pale white face. When I think of 'old fashioned' beauty this is what first pops into my head. While the look may of been fashionable it wasn't exactly good for you, the white paints and chalks where lead based which eventually broke down the skin and caused scarring. We are all about brows now days, but legend has it so were the Ancient Greeks, in fact women loved a good unibrow as a sign of purity. Of course when you think of where beauty and makeup began it is the kohl liner of Ancient Egypt, think Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra. Back then it was used for medical as well as aesthetic purposes by protecting the eyes. Fast Forward to the 1940's and WWII, there was a huge shortage of cosmetics and the ingredients to put in them in Europe but that didn't stop women using what they had or creating their perfect red lipstick at home. It was the era of bright lips and some even said the kiss mark of the bright hue bought moral to the troops. In the 60's gone were the days of bright lips and in came the spidery lash and liner trend, all thanks to the wonderful Twiggy. Whether it was a winged liner or cut crease, pretty much if it was black and thick it was on trend. When you think of Twiggy's iconic look you think of her baby doll spike-y lashes and it was certainly a look for the time. The 1980's were a time for all sorts of fashions and trends, some better than others. Eyeshadow was huge, especially in bright colours, and especially applied all the way up to the brow bone. Blue washes were applied across the lid and all the way up to the brow with little definition, just one fun pop of colour. Jump forward a few years and we are in the 90's, the era of the over plucked brow. Come on most of us have been there in out high school days, we went to town with the tweezers and now regret it. But hey it was a trend back then and some even shaved the whole lot of and drew stick lines back on, not one of our finest beauty moments. As we entered the 2000's matte skin really became a huge trend, in fact the matter the better. A velvety finish was perfect if you dreaded oily skin but if like me you were dry then you praised the day dewy skin became a thing. Lastly we have probably the biggest trend for many years, yes contouring. That game changing trick that slims down the face, adds some light and gives the perfect shape. Of course it took off because of the one and only Kim K but is now used by most make up lovers all over the world. The question is, that with the woman herself saying she is no longer such a fan will it die out?

I hope you have enjoyed our little jaunt though beauty's history and I want to know your favourite trends throughout history, leave them in the comments for me. My inspiration for this post was through reading Lisa Eldridge's Face Paint book which is all about the history of makeup and one I'd really recommend you read if you enjoyed this. I also want to point out that my facts are from research but I am not saying they are 100% accurate and they may all be interrupted differently. Beauty and History are two of my favourite things so this was a real joy for me to do, I hope you enjoyed it too. Lastly I wanted to share Lisa's 'Best and Worst Makeup Moments in History' video which is a really fun watch. Love...


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