Meet Teddy!

You may have noticed a lack of posts around here lately, and my apologies for that but it has all been for a very good reason. If you follow me on social media you may know that this past week we have not only moved but have also got a new puppy. So everyone meet Teddy! We are so in love, well I am anyway. He is a red Cockapoo and bloody adorable. Our Labrador x loves him and they are the best of friends already, in fact as I am typing they are plying tug with their new toy. I had thought about what dog I had wanted for a while and to begin with I had decided on a Pomeranian, after much thinking I thought such a little dog may not appreciate (or get hurt by) my big Lab, not that I believe he would ever do anything but even if he just sat on him by mistake it could be fatal. I decided something Spaniel size would be great but didn't want the mounting that came with a Spaniel so a Cockapoo it was. Teddy is a Show Cocker Spaniel crossed with a Miniature Poodle so he shouldn't get too big at all. He has been with us for about five days now and he has been a dream. Only very few accidents and he sleeps the whole night through in his crate, what a dream. So there you have it, the reason for my absence, I am hoping to be back to a semi-normal blog schedule next week but that may only be three posts not five as there is still a lot of unpacking to do. I want to thank you all again for your sweet comments concerning our move and for bearing with me during this time of little blog posts. I also hope you are enjoying the new layout here at Perfect Peonies. Let me know what you think! Love...


  1. Awww what a cutie, I have a 3 and a half year old apricot Cockapoo called Daisy and she is the sweetest thing, she looked very similar to teddy when she was a puppy maybe a bit lighter, but now shes almost all white haha. You're so lucky he sleeps all night in his crate, Daisy cried all night long so now she sleeps in my parents bedroom, we are a soft touch :)
    xxx Claire

    1. Aww she sounds adorable, if you have any pictures I would love to see them! It's so hard to know what they are going to look like as adults because of the cross breed! Thanks for reading xo
