Jo Malone London Herb Gardens

Jo Malone London has released a new limited edition line for the season all inspired by the great English herb garden. I am a big fan of herb-y and natural scents and of course Jo Malone London rarely disappoints so I was very excited about the launch. The Herb Gardens collection has five new scents available in the smaller 30ml bottles. What I love about Jo Malone is that they really makes fragrances that are different and that you may never even think of. In this collection you have eclectic scents like Carrot Blossom and Fennel, Wild Strawberry and Parsley, Nasturtium and Clover, Lavender and Coriander, and then the scent I have been road testing Sorrel and Lemon Thyme. Sorrel and Lemon Thyme is a fresh citrus scent that settles onto the skin in a more herb like way. The scent is fresh and perfect for the upcoming spring and summer months. For me it is a really hard one to describe other than citrusy, I think that is down to it being so unique; but it is certainly more than just a citrus scent. Of course it has the great lingering power of all Jo Malone London scents and I can't wait to be wearing it more and more this summer. The whole collection is really unique and I love that, next time you're near a Jo Malone London counter or store make sure you go and give them a sniff; I know will be. Do let me know if you have experienced any of the other four scents as I am very intrigued. Love...

*PR Samples, all opinions are my own. Refer to my disclaimer for more information.


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