2016 Beauty Resolutions

A new year means it's time to make some resolutions. I am not sure whether I believe in making full on resolutions because if you really want to make a change you should do that any time, but I am setting myself a few tasks to try and conquer this coming year. Oh beauty wise that is; so today I am sharing ten beauty resolutions of mine that I think many of you may also share.

1. Wash My Brushes More Often- I am the biggest offender when it comes to not washing my brushes for weeks. I don't know why I just seem to forget and then I realize there all dirty and just can't be bothered or find time to do them. This year I plan to deep clean them at least every other Sunday, without fail.

2. Wear SPF Daily- Again I just seem to forget this step in my skincare routine a lot, especially when it's not summer. My skin is so dry that a moisturizer with SPF in is never enough to cut it so it is always another step for me. The Murad priming SPF is great under makeup so I plan on utilizing that to get my daily dose.

Stop Hoarding Makeup- I am the worst when it comes to hoarding, I can't throw things away. I just don't know why but I get emotionally attached to objects which I know isn't right, but hey I do. I want to start sharing my stuff out more and finally donating all the makeup I don't use. It's about time I throw away those bright pink lipsticks from my young days.

Stick to a Solid Skincare Routine- I am always trying out new skincare which I love doing but I would love to see how sticking to a solid routine would help my skin. I don't have any real bothers with it right now but it would be interesting nonetheless.

Use Cuticle Oil- My cuticles are always dry and cracked so I am trying to train my self to apply oil every single night. I am miss forgetful so this could be tricky but hopefully I will see an improvement in my cuticles.

Drink More Water- I think most people want to do this. Over the past few months I have gotten better at drinking more water but (TMI here) I can't deal with the needing to pee every hour (laughing emoji face). My aim is to get to drinking 8 glasses everyday by the end of the year.

Share More- This kind of relates to my hoarding but I get sent ever such a lot of wonderful things from companies (which I am very grateful for) that I don't get a chance to use it all and so I want to share more of this by donation or to my family and friends.

Talk About More Drugstore Makeup Here- My blog has become more and more high end which I love as thats my real passion but I do understand not everyone (including myself) can afford to spend a lot on beauty and I want to show you can feel great and feed your beauty addiction with a small budget.

Wear Red Lipstick More- I have never been a red lip girl until recently that is. Over the Holiday period I decided to try it out and I really love it. This year I am challenging myself to get out of my comfort zone and go bolder on the lips.

Cleanse in the Morning- I am guilty of just swiping some micellar water over my face in the morning and not doing a proper cleanse at least five time a week. My skin has been feeling a little gunky recently and I think it's time to bring back in the proper cleansers come morning time.

Make sure you let me know your 2016 Beauty Resolutions in the comments! Love...


  1. I'm the worst when it comes to hording makeup. I just can't bring myself to part with anything. I may need it one day, you know.

    1. I totally get you. I never know when I might need that lipstick I haven't worn in three years 😂. Thanks for reading xo
