Keeping The Summer Glow

Can you believe it's almost September? While I love Fall it does mean the end of Summer, aka the end of that golden tan you have developed. Today I am going to give you my tips on keeping that glow just a little longer.

Exfoliating makes all the difference especially when you have a naturally dark tan. Eventually you skin will begin to peel (ewww gross) and you will loose the golden goddess look. Keeping exfoliated will leave your skin not only softer but less patchy. I have started dry brushing with the Mio Dry Brush lately and not only is it great for boosting your body's circulation and reducing cellulite it also leaves you with baby soft skin. Simply use three times a week wet or dry (dry is my preferred but it can feel a little rough) and your skin will hold onto that tan just a little longer. If brushing is not you're thing then a good in shower scrub will do it. Sugar or salt it's up to you but I have been loving the Me! Bath Toasted Coconut and Lime sugar scrub. It smells like heaven and isn't too harsh but does give enough grit at the same time. Moisturizing is also really important make sure you are applying your body lotions an oils daily. For something that smells amazing and feels very luxurious try the Mio Activist

If you're tan has gone and you want to replenish it then fake tanning is the way to go. I am personally a big fan of St Tropez. The tanning mousse is what I use when I want a full on quick tan but if you want something a little lighter then you can't go wrong with the gradual tan. The gradual tan is so simple to use, simply apply with a mit or your hands every day and you will give you tan a little boost as it fades.

So Fall isn't all bad, I feel ready to say goodbye to Summer for another year. Bring on the heady scents, candles, and everything cinnamon. Love...


  1. omg coconut and lime sounds absolutely DIVINE! That brush too has reminded me that I need to pick one up so thanks aha!
    Fabulous photos and writing as always lovely,
    Hannah xx

    1. Thank you Hannah!! The toasted coconut and lime scrub is too die for, I am scrubbing myself in it every chance I get!
