How To Make The Most Out of Your Blog

Top Tips For Blogging
We're veering off beauty today and this is going to be a post for all of you bloggers, and you probably won't be surprised but a big majority of my readers are bloggers themselves. Blogging has become such a huge thing with almost a idea of 'glamour' attached to it. Let me tell you know it's not all free stuff and parties, there is a lot of hard work involved. I have never done a post about blogging before because I have never felt like I am qualified to, but I got thinking and I have really learnt a lot on my blogging journey and thought it was about time that I shared it. I am not going to be talking about SEO or HTML coding because quite frankly it's something I don't even understand, this is simply going to be some tips/lessons that I have learned from my few years of blogging.

Do Blog Frequently & Consistently- I think this one is pretty obvious but the more you post the more your readers will come back. Back when I first started my posting was very erratic and I would be posting every day on minuet and then once a month the next. Don't panic or stress yourself out if you can post everyday, even if you just post on weekends and it's consistent you blog will begin to grow. As soon as I had a schedule (currently three days a week) and stuck to it my audience and views began to grow.  Basically frequency and consistence is key.

Do Get Involved With Other Bloggers- I wasn't really getting involved with many bloggers until the beginning of this year and it's something that I love doing now! If there is a blog that you love reading then contact them to say hi! Even ask whether they would like to do some sort of collaboration post with you. One thing I have learnt is not to be shy or scared, most people in the blogging community are so lovely and are always up for working together. I can honestly say that I have made some great blogging friends, even those who I haven't met.

Do Utilize Social Media- Again until the beginning of this year I was not doing this very well. I was only using Instagram and really only for personal use. Utilizing hashtags on Twitter and Instagram is a great way to get yourself and your blog out there. Twitter has become a massive way for me to get new readers through linking new posts, even just through 'meeting' new bloggers through 'chats', and just general Twittering. Let's not forget Pinterest, I get a huge inflow of readers from posts that I pin and link there, I think it is a really underrated social media platform. It's all so simple to do, sign up to each platform and begin sharing.

Do Customize Your Blog- This may be a step you can't do right away but personalizing your blog will bring a whole load of new readers. I know personally that generic looking templates just don't make me want me to read a blog. This doesn't have to be something you spend tons of money on if any at all. You can get ready made beautiful templates from Etsy and similar sites for a matter of dollars or even learn a bit of coding and make your own. I am a big believer in you get out what you put in.

Do Contact PR Companies & Brands- I think this is something people don't talk about enough. I also only really figured this out recently; that opportunities aren't necessarily always going to land on you doorstep (or in your inbox) and that you need to go out there to get them. No matter the genre of your blog, whether it's beauty, fashion, jewelry, food, nails, or elephants you should be contacting appropriate brands that would be a good feature on your blog. Now I know I said 'free stuff' isn't what blogging is all about but sure it's a great perk and you get a great topic to talk about. You can't expect every company out there to know who you or your blog are so contact them and let them know, you never know you may be exactly what their looking for.

Do Take A Break- I get in a blogging funk all of the time and have had to learn that sometimes no posts are better than crappy ones. I get this may contradict my 'Do Blog Frequently & Consistently' but when you just aren't feeling it your just not going to be coming out with things people want to read. I am guilty of this big time, I have had my fair share of ridiculously boring posts. Every now and then whether its because I am ill or on holiday or just feel I need a break I will take one. Life can get in the way of things and if you have a full time job/education then running out of time is not a crime. You need to remember that life will not end if you miss one post.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my tips/advice and it has been helpful to you. Now I want your best blogging tips, share them below and we can all learn and share. Love...


  1. definitely agree on utilizing social media -- wasn't something i did until this year and it has made all the difference!

    brooke | brooke elise

  2. Wonderful post, very useful tips! I'll often refer back to this post to use it as a checklist and a mini reminder.

