Every Beauty Lovers Chore... Washing Brushes

It's four in the morning and you have just woken up with the terrible feeling that you haven't washed your brushes in three weeks now! You start panicking, think of the bacteria on my face!! Ok so nobody actually does quite this but I have been know to suddenly freak out at the fact I forgot to wash my brushes yet again (as you can see from the photo today is one of those days!). You ask any beauty fiend what their least favorite thing to do is and they always say 'cleaning my makeup brushes' (unless your that weird person who finds it 'therapeutic'). I'ts just a chore, no one likes standing over their sink for an hour (more if you are like me and just keep using clean ones until they are all dirty) bored out of their skull. But today I am going to be sharing with you my top tips for washing your brushes, how to keep it fun (if it can be), and my favorite cleansers/soaps to use.

Ok so let's start with putting on a bit of YouTube or sticking on your current favorite album, this is going to make things a little less boring. So go on have a dance while you wash. So when it comes to a deep cleanse I like to use the Dr Bronner's Magic Soap, it is really affordable and does a great job at cleaning without drying out your brushes. I currently have the peppermint scent but personally the lavender is my favorite. The bottle is pretty big and it lasts me well over a year, I have had this one about six months and I have only used a couple of inches. I start by running the tap to a medium temperature, you want it warm but not too hot. I then wet the bristles of the brush making sure not to get the handle (as this can erode your brushes and the glue inside). Once wet I simply add a tiny amount of soap to the palm of my hand and swirl the brush until clean. Then rinse and repeat till all are done, I leave them to dry hanging of my counter so they are not squished. To wash my beautyblender or other spongers I love using the Beautyblender Solid soap, I just swirl a wet sponge in, massage and rise. I do also like this for my brushes and it's great if you like to wash your brushes while traveling. My final cleanser is for spot cleaning brushes, the Sephora Citrus Brush Cleanser is amazing! A girl in Sephora actually recommended this to me and said she much preferred it to her MAC brush cleanser, I am inclined to agree. First of all it smells great (citrus heaven), it is also the best at removing shadows from brushes when you need a clean eye look. You know on those day where you go to do your eyeshadow and realize all of your brushes are dirty? This is when you need this stuff, you simply spray once or twice on the bristles and swirl on a paper towel... Done! The brush is completely clean, dry, and ready to use instantly.

I felt like that was a total guide for dummies but I hope you enjoyed, make sure you let me know in the comments your favorite brush cleansers I am always on the hunt for new ones. Love...


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