Why Rosehip Oil Is a Miracle & Giveaway!

Happy Friday everyone, it's finally time for the weekend! This week has dragged for me but I finally I got a lot of done so that's a good thing. Today I am going to be reviewing Leven Rose's Rosehip Oil. A lot of you may know that I am a huge oil fan, I have incredibly dry skin so anything that is going to boost hydration I want to be best friends with it. I got in contact with Leven Rose and they very kindly sent me a bottle of their new Rosehip Oil to try out. Now I need to add before I begin that my skin has been a mess in recent weeks, I have had some weird rash, dry patches, add some serious redness. Ok so now we have all that out of the way let's get onto the review.

Firstly lets talk a little more about the oil, here I am going to guide you to the Leven Rose website (LevenRose.com) so you can read into all their details about it. Here I am just going to go over it briefly. Leven Rose's Rosehip oil is firstly 100% organic which is amazing, and secondly it is cold pressed which means the oil stays in its purest form. Rosehip oil is a 'dry oil' which means that it has a very lightweight and non-oily feel, it also means that it soaks into the skin very quickly. This makes Rosehip oil a great oil for dehydrated and oily skins alike. Some great benefits of using Rosehip oil are, healing the skin, diminishing fine line and wrinkles, and evening skin tone.

I began by using four drops of Rosehip oil in the evening before bed. I found that to get a nice covering over my face I needed more then four drops. For me it feels very different to other oils I have tried, you can defiantly tell that it is a 'dry oil'. So I decided to do a little experimenting. They best way I have now found to use it is mixed in with my moisturizer, this way it just adds a little more slick and makes it easier to apply. For my dry skin I have been using three drops at night and one in the morning. Within a few days my large dry patches were gone, I still was dry but all flakiness was diminished. I have now been using this for a around two weeks and my skin is loving it! I am now getting back to have hydrated lovely skin again (praise hands emoji). Another great way I have found to use it as a eye serum, I apply half a drop under each eye before bed and come morning they are hydrated and my dark circles have defiantly brightened. It's safe to say I will be keeping this oil in my skincare routine for a long time to come. When I say it has changed my skin's life I'm not even kidding. This time three weeks ago I was ready to go and spend hundreds at a dermatologist to get my skin sorted, so thank you Leven Rose for saving me and my skin.

Now onto the fun part of this post. When I love a product I want you guys to try it and love it to, so I have teamed up with Leven Rose to give away a bottle of this amazing Rosehip oil. I am telling you know you need to try this stuff! Make sure you enter below! Also make sure you head on over to LevenRose.com to check out their Rosehip and other oils! Love...  
a Rafflecopter giveaway

* This product was sent to me and the giveaway is sponsored by Leven Rose. Refer to my disclaimer page for more information. As always all opinions are true and my own. Contest only open to legal residents of the U.S. or Canada, excluding Quebec.


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