Spring Hair Trends- The Long Bob

All Photos Taken From Pinterest.
Hello everyone, I hope your April is going well so far. I have family in town right now so I am having a great time sight seeing, it's amazing that when you live in a place you actually don't see much of it. Anyway onto todays post. Today was supposed to be a super cool Emma Stone tutorial with one of my favorite bloggers Aymie Louise, but in the past few weeks a weird rash has come up all over my face so I am now trying to avoid using any makeup. So the tutorial will be up this time next month instead. Today myself and Aymie are going to talking about some trends that have been going around recently. Now you all know my love for beauty so I really did want to talk about a beauty trend but I feel like for this year everything is just very minimal and neutral so it may be a little boring. Instead we decided we would share with you our thoughts on a huge hair trend for this year and over on Aymies blog we are going to be sharing what we think of a recent fashion trend, so after you have read this head on over there. I will link to Aymie's blog below. Also if you didn't see our last collaboration of a beauty Q&A then I will link it HERE.
A quick note from Aymie- Hello again, gorgeous readers of Perfect Peonies! It's nice fantastic to be able to collaborate with Nicola again on something like this, we'll be doing a fashion collaboration over on my blog so if that sounds good to you I'd love it if you could check that out. I can't wait to get started on our Emma Stone beauty collaboration for next month, until then I hope you enjoy our most recent pieces

Ok so the hair trend I chose was the 'long bob'. This is a variation on the tradition bob but sitting anywhere from just below the ears to the shoulders.
What Aymie thinks- The long bob is one of my favourite hair trends; it's simple, it's mature and it's so easy to style no matter what age you are. It's one of those timeless cuts that that can work for anyone, it's just so versatile. There's nothing more flattering than a long bob styled with tousled waves, you can go in so many different directions. The best thing about the long bob is that you can still tie your hair back (if you get it done at your collar bones!) for sports or cooking or even just on a bad hair day, it's not an overly restricting style. One thing you want to make sure of though is that you don't get a blunt cut, if you're going for this look you should get subtle razor cut layers to add an extra dimension to the style.
I'm currently thinking of cutting my hair into a long bob though I can't decide whether I want to grow my hair out or go for the chop, I've had one before and I loved it but I'm not sure if it's right for me now. I think I'm going to at least wait until my fringe, which is nearly not a fringe anymore, has grown enough to blend in with the rest of my hair because I get sick of having my hair hanging over my eyes.

What I think: I personally love the trend and would love to be able to have a 'long bob' to my collar bones, I just feel like with my heart/round shaped face it wouldn't work so well. I like it best when the hair has some texture to it, so with layers and wavy. I think it is great for spring and summer as it is light, airy, and easy to maintain. I really want to cut my hair like it I am just worried it will not suit me, I know its only hair but living with is short can be tricky. Maybe I will just take the plunge.

Aymie's Blog- http://aymielouise.blogspot.co.uk/

Now I want to hear from you guys! Do you have a 'long bob'? How do you feel about the trend? Would you ever consider getting one? Let me know in the comments below. Love...


  1. All these hairstyles look gorgeous - my hair is curly so I don't think I could get away with something this short as it would probably look afro haha! It's so tempting though when everyone looks this good! :)

    Layla xx


  2. I'm the same, my hair has a frizzy wave to it so it would always have to be styled. I decided to put it off for now, maybe next haircut 💗
