Dealing With Anxiety

I have had issues with anxiety pretty much all of my life and as I am typing this I'm not even sure I will post it. It has always been something that I have not been ashamed of but I have never really wanted to share it either. But saying all of that I thought maybe by discussing it would help someone, and if I can help even just one person it would be totally worth putting my self out there for.

So let's start with me telling you how it all began. I first realized I have a problem with anxiety around four years ago, when I look back now I realize that actually most of my life I naturally have been an over anxious person. My anxiety really came to a head when I was injured in school four
years ago. I tore two tendons and a ligament in my left foot, after it hadn't healed 6 months later I was diagnosed with a chronic pain condition. Basically I was told I would be in pain for the rest of my life, I could learn how to manage it but it would always be there. Luckily I am a lot better now and with a lot of healing therapy my foot now only bothers me occasionally. But anyway back to the anxiety thing, because of the injury I ended up being off school on and off for almost two years. When it came to going back to school I started having major panic attacks about it, I'm pretty sure that came on from being out of it so much. At the time we had decided to move to DC so I dropped out of school anyway. I thought maybe with a fresh start I would be ok, I was wrong and something people need to realize is that if you have anxiety is that it will always be there, every one has it to a certain degree it's how you manage it that maters. Over time I have learnt a few strategies to keep my self calm when I get anxious and I now haven't had a panic attack since we moved. The strategy that helps me the most I would say is when I get panicked to really focus on my breathing, when you begin to panic you breathing becomes short and you breathe from the chest. Notice how you feel and try to relax, start breathing from the pit of you stomach. Another thing that can happen when you panic is that you don't let enough carbon dioxide out when you breathe, your breathing becomes shallow and then you begin to fell sick and lightheaded. To combat this you can regulate you breathing by breathing into a bag or if you can't do that or are in public and don't want to try taking shallow breaths in and letting a long breath out, keep doing this until you feel calmer. Distraction is always a great way to calm down also if your with someone try and have a chat, that always helps me. If not playing a game on you phone, listening to music anything that will distract you. I have been know to read every single word in a magazine to distract myself. Some other techniques I have been told is exercise, I exercise on a regular basis and I'm not really sure if it helps but it is a good stress reliever. There are also methods like pressure point tapping and jumping up and down I personally have never tried them but it's worth giving them a go if you find nothing else works. The most important thing to remember it not to be embarrassed and to seek help if you need it whether that is from a friend, relative or health professional. The things I get anxious over tend to be things that yes are scary but things that I really want to do, I can spend 24 hours before hand feeling horrible with anxiety but once I have done it I feel great, you just need to learn to push through it and in the end you can conquer your Anxiety. I really hope this has helped someone not just deal with their anxiety but know they are not alone. If you want to ask me any question don't hesitate to email me at 


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