The Greatest Bronzer?

Nars Laguna has always had the title of being the best bronzer out there but is it really true? Don't get me wrong I like it, well really it is one of the best bronzer I have tried but I just feel like there could be a better bronzer. I would love to know what you guys think? Have you tried it and love it or do you know of a better alternative?

Reasons I love it-
It is a great color for my pale skin
The pigmentation isn't too much that you can not blend it out
The color isn't to muddy or orange
I love that it is almost matte but has a tiny bit of shimmer

Reasons I feel like there might be something better-
I feel like I don't wear bronzer that often but I go through it really quickly
You have to use quite a lot to have an all over bronze look
It just doesn't WOW me
The packaging, like all nars products the packaging looks pretty and sleek until you touch it and then fingerprints are every where. It's like a crime scene investigators dream!


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