A New Dressing Table

The past couple of weeks I have been on a total re decorating frenzy, so just saying in advance that there maybe a few furniture-y posts coming up. (I know that furniture-y is so not a word but I couldn't think of a better one.)
Today I thought I would share with you my new vanity table in my room. I have never had a dressing table in my room before and until now I have always had a dresser in my office where I do my makeup ect. Then I realized instead of working I was applying makeup...oooppppsssss. So off I went to Ikea to pick up some sort of desk thing for my room. I ended settling on the Malm Dressing Table, it has a large drawer underneath that I store my everyday makeup in and a glass top. It is a little to sleek looking for my room so I am going to add some glass knobs to the drawer to give it slightly more of a vintage feel. Hanging above it I have a large white mirror I got from Home Goods for only $25 what a bargain! I then took some fairy lights from Ikea and put them around it to make it look a little bit pretty. The jewelry box on the table it also from Home Goods and I love it! It is a bronze mirror box that has a post card print on the front written in Italian and it totally looks antique. I then just keep my makeup brushes in one corner and some fresh flowers by my bed. I really love how it has turned out and am excited to share with you soon what I have done with my office!


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